The use of technology and particularly the World Wide Web in educational settings has significantly increased over the last twenty years. With this increase has evolved inappropriate use of plagiarism and copyright violations as essays and information are becoming more easily assessable by all. This has created great concern for educators as is becomes a serious ethical concern. Baum states that twenty-five percent of post-secondary students cut-and-paste from internet sites without the use of citation.
As the use of technology in schools increases so will this ethical issue. The question that becomes more apparent now is “how do teachers inform students about the serious ness of this issue and what is the most efficient and effective way to implement awareness?” Many educators agree that informing students of these ethical issues would take far more than one school period. Rather, many schools are implementing technology ethics into their curriculum over a significant timeframe. The Urbana school has implemented a two semester course based on technology and internet do’s and don’ts.
So, the big question teachers are asking is how do we teach our students to be aware and responsible users of technology? Baum includes five steps of how to inform students: initiate a CyberEthics curriculum, teach CyberEthics in the classroom, use the internet as a tool to teach CyberEthics, create an acceptable use policy with students, and have students make a pledge to become responsible and honest web users.
My question to you is do you teach students the seriousness of this matter and what are some other ways to inform students of this issue?
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